Current mod : holly

KAIFECTIONERY is a Jongin-centric fic fest where prompters, readers, and writers alike come together to celebrate one of EXO's main dancers Jongin through the form of stories (fanfiction). We hope you enjoy browsing our pages!

Below, KAIFECTIONERY's Master Lists have been linked to showcase the fest's previous authors' works.

Round 2016-2017 Master List
Round 2017-2018 Master List
Round 2018-2019 Master List
Round 2020 Master List
Round 2021 Master List

Timeline 2022

prompting : february 9, 2022 - february 20, 2021
claiming : february 21, 2022

first check-in : april 1, 2022
second check-in : june 1, 2022
final submissions : august 1, 2022

posting : TBA
reveals : TBA


Our rules are simple:

1. Write about Jongin!
2. Minimum word count: 1500 words. Maximum? The sky is your limit.
3. You can only claim one prompt at a time.
4. Your work needs to be a standalone.
5. Please do not include non-con, pedophilia or incest in your story. Anything else is technically fair game - we simply ask of our writers to write responsibly and tag carefully :)
If you're uncertain regarding the last point, feel free to contact us, and we'll work it out together!

If you're an artist, the rules pretty much remain the same:

1. Draw Jongin!
2. Please do not draw themes of non-con, pedophilia or incest.
3. When postings roll around, you'll be posting your drawing on your own. We'll then share it using our twitter account, as well as list you on our carrd page around reveals. That way, all the responses will stay on your end!
4. If your work is explicit (e.g. explicitely sexual or gory), please let us know beforehand, so we can share it appropriately.
5. Artists will receive their own check-in emails, as well, but don't worry - we simply want to informally check in with you guys and see how you're doing.

ROUND 3 Reveals

The reveals are here!

This year, as well, our lovely creator have worked very hard to present you (and each other) a total of 259.247 words to celebrate our sweet Jongin!
Thank you very much to everyone who signed up for this exchange, to those kind souls who we might never have talked to, but who proofread and supported these had-working writers, and thank you to the readers who got excited over the stories they presented.
Special thanks go out to rawjongin, who provided us with posters, and to dldld, dogdads, Evoxine, Sugar-and-Salt and vertebris for pinch-hitting! You guys are lifesavers!

Below are the individual notes of the mods:

mod sun:
dearest sweets, i just want to congratulate all the writers and readers who stuck with us through the very end of our third round. you deserve all the kudos and ice cream and cookies in the world!
real life tends to get in the way and it definitely did for me, with repeated traveling, work, and health-related issues. please give all the love in the world for mod sand for making sure the third round continued when i wasn't sure it could be finished to the end. i honestly don't know if a fourth round will ever come to fruition—the trial round of bringing back an exchange is definitely difficult—but if mod sand wants to continue, i will make sure to be more present and active this coming year. i'm hoping life won't be as hectic, but if it is, i'll be able to handle it better than this past year. and, honestly, to be frank, kaifectionery wouldn’t be kaifectionery without everyone who participated in some way this year. thanks, everyone, and i hope you enjoyed all the entries and hard work the writers and (definitely) mod sand put into this round :)

happy new year and happy bearday, dear jongin!!

mod sand:
Dear Sweets, we did it!!
As per usual, our writing period was long, so our journey together lasted over six months and I'd like to say that I'm extremely proud of all of you.
Exchanges aren't common in our fandom anymore, and participating in one is a real challenge. More often than not, it requires you to step out of your comfort zone, and that can be all sorts of tough. It's a challenge all of you mastered though, so give yourself a pat on the back!
As our precious participants, you only see the numbers, and you see drop outs and might feel a little disappointed, but let me tell you, all of you were incredibly sweet and worked with us amazingly - the number of people disappearing was virtually non-existent!

Thank you to mod sun - I'm not sure I would have survived the first third of this round as a mod if it wasn't for you. Thanks for having my back, I mean it.

Thank you to Kim Jongin, who never fails to make me sigh in appreciation with his appearance that radiates passion, humbleness, and grace. I hope you stay healthy and nothing's gonna make you cry in 2019!

I'd also like to thank everyone for their patience. I'm very much a newbie mod, and there's many things I can't do well, like creating graphics (sorry for butchering those few posters), proof-reading or even just managing a twitter account - shout out to our fellow fests, I didn't mean to be rude by promoting you so little, I was just a shy, awkward little duck.
I'll stay on track regarding all the above and will try my best to improve, in order to offer all of you a great experience. There will be changes in the future, but if you will have us, we'll be back with a fourth round for sure.

Now, without further ado, it's time for the reveals!

* all titles, for, and by are hyperlinked. please click on the title to be taken to the story you want to read. click on 'for' or 'by' to see each writer's personal profile and other stories they've writen ♡

That's it for Kaifectionery Round 3!
Thank you and have a lovely year ahead! ♡

ROUND 4 Reveals

It's time for the reveals!

Another round is over, and despite 2020 throwing all kinds of hardships our way, 20 lovely authors have dedicated 22 works to our sweetest Jongin, coming up with a total of 216.742 words! How amazing is that?

Thanks to every writer who signed up, to every prompter and beta reader, to every enthusiastic reader, and all of the kind people we have never talked to, but who supported the writers in their journeys and cheered them on.

Below are the individual notes of the mods:

mod iris:
Hello, dearest Sweets!
It’s Mod Iris :)

First of all, I would like to formally apologize to all of you since I wasn’t really present to help out Mod Holly during this round. I was here in the beginning but after prompting took off, Real Life (and the whole COVID-19 situation and work) hit me and I couldn’t participate as much as I would’ve liked. I’m sure you didn’t notice though because Mod Holly had everything together! She even found a wonderful person to help make graphics for all of postings. Isn’t she the best?

Because of this, though, I’ve decided to formally step back as mod for this fest. I’m not sure how many of you were here for the first ever round of Kaifectionery, but I’m Mod Sour who became Mod Sun and then Mod Iris. I created this fest with a different (and no longer here) mod because there was a severe lack of Jongin-centered fests back then and it’s amazing to see how far it’s come! I didn’t think we’d hit four rounds and tbh, I would’ve closed it last year if it wasn’t for Mod Holly pushing for another round. It’s awesome to see how many participants, fics, and readers joined this year and I know I’m leaving the fest in good hands :) I might even lurk around and maybe do a ‘I hope all our Sweets are doing well!’ tweet every once in a while, if that’s okay with everyone ;u;

Anyways, this is also supposed to be a message to thank you all for making this fourth round amazing! Thank you to everyone from prompters to writers to readers for making it a little piece of Jongin-heaven during everything going on and thank you to the mysterious helper who made all the graphics for this round! Thank you, Mod Holly, for everything!! This might be the last time you’ll see me, but I’m not sure if I can ever resist coming back to check on the fest. Maybe if I have more time again, I’ll participate as a writer instead. It’s been a while :O

See you later, Sweets!
I hope we can all enjoy the Jongin stories past, present, and in the future!
💕 mod sour/sun/iris

happy new year and happy bearday, dear jongin!!

mod Holly:
Hello, Sweets!
These notes are getting weepier every year but I hope you can bear with me.
2020 was nothing short of a wild ride so far, and despite thing being tough on the world (and even on Exo themselves,) you guys ended up on this page here - for that, I can only thank you.
I keep repeating myself, but during this round in particular I was blown away by how wonderful you all were. There were few drop outs, and your communication was on top of the game - it's thanks to you guys that we could post for two weeks straight with two stories a day and no gaps at all. I hope you are all proud of yourselves because you should be.

The variety of genres and ships was simply beautiful as well!
Kaifectionery is the ships and prompts and genres that you guys want, and every year, you surprise me with something different. I think that's pretty amazing.

And if that wasn't enough, the number of authors incorporating flowers into their titles or even stories made me feel so warm and fuzzy - fest themes are often just layout quirks, but you guys made it a theme, and I can't say I see that happening a lot.
Thank you to mod Iris for allowing me free reign this round, and bearing with my experimental ideas.
Thank you to my wonderful friend Pansy, who came up with our lovely posting graphics, and who shared my passion of flower meanings.
Thank you to all of you who endured my occasional, clumsy missteps, and treated the fest with kindness.
Thank you to Kim Jongin, for being an inspiring person in every sense of the word.

This marks the end of the 4th round of Kaifectionery - but if you will have me, if you'll have this fest, it will be back.

Stay healthy & happy

Much love,
mod Holly

And now it's finally time for the reveals!

* all titles and author names are hyperlinked. simply click on them to be directed to the respective Ao3 page ♡

you are my sanctuary by itsgameover
three doors down by carpesoo
Colorful Sensibility by shiroiusagi
Liquor Liquor Lips by kumjongin
let our hearts (and clothes) talk by latesleeper
a little more action, please by carpesoo
you're passing the time holding back tears (tears you don't have to hold back) by HotFuckingMess
Roots of Sehun by ekzxo
Rules are meant to be broken by jonginniesprout
First Love by Scor_pio
Syndrome by xAoneko
To Catch a Falling Flower by emeraldyeol
Always in Bloom by foxxlight
London Blue by Sugar_and_Salt
Ukiyo, Floating World by Feather_Song
Green Carnation by Scorpinonymous
Patchwork Family by yonicenini
Jewel Tones by Justawriter68
A Song And A Poem by ruiseu
did you get the memo? by Sugar_and_Salt
Warpath by evoxine
For You in This Broken World by cosmicruin

That's it for Kaifectionery Round 4!
See you again soon! ♡

ROUND 5 Reveals

We did it! :)

Below is a closing note by the mod:

And another round comes to an end!

In a way, this year was more turbulent than the last one, at least to mod Holly. I'll spare you the details, of course, but I'd like you guys to know that I appreciate your patience with me above anything else! There were some small hiccups along the way, like messy emails and the fact that mod Holly is still lacking in the graohics and scial media department, but ll of you were sweet and understanding. Modding a fest as a single person with a chaotic real life can be an absolute pain - but thanks to you, it's not only doable, but also rewarding. Thank you so much!

Did you know that the first round of this fest was in 2016? Mod Holly only joined in the second round, but still - that's a long time and it amazes me that we got to this point, coming together every year to share lovely stories celebrating Kim Jongin for 5 rounds, and roughly six years respectively.

Lastly, another round of applause goes to you Sweets, for making this happen.
Some of you have been with this fest for a long time, to others, this was a first, but all of you wrote beautiful stories you should be proud of.
Every year, you bring a new palette of genres and ships to the table, and it's both refreshing and delightful!

I'll stop boring you now and wish you a wonderful week, month, and year!
As always, I can promise you that if you'll have me, and you guys want another round, Kaifectionery will be back next year!

Much love,
mod Holly

And now it's finally time for the reveals!

* all titles and author names are hyperlinked. simply click on them to be directed to the respective Ao3 page ♡

That's it for Kaifectionery Round 5!
See you again soon! ♡

coming soon


If you would like to get in contact with one of us, please reach out to us via private message on Twitter, Retrospring or per Email.
If you need a quick response, we recommend using either Twitter or Email!

Twitter Profile